Sunday 12 February 2006

Paris Trip PART 2

Ahhhhh... I started part 2 in Lynn's, a friend from back home, house during half term (no excitement.. it was only 5 days including Saturday and Sunday). She had got proper connection so I was trying to finish up this post. Didn't work. Hehe... Anyway, I stopped at the picture of Champs-Elysees at night.
Day 2- 28th January (Part 2)

Me in front of the Sexodrome (LOL) along Pigalle Street, Paris' red-light district. Sexodrome... LOL... don't tell me it doesn't crack you up.

Also along Pigalle, the famous Moulin Rouge.... remember the Nicole Kidman/Ewan McGregor movie...
My friends and I were actually wondering whether we should go watch ABUDEN, it would costs us €70, no table but standing at bar and 2 drinks. So in the end we didn't. Haih... BUT, we nearlly went to a table dancing bar, but 1 of the girls with us were all so prim and proper so we didn't feel nice leaving her alone so we didn't.
Day 3- 29th January
Sightseeing all the way...

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