Monday 27 June 2005


Today, we shall all celebrate. I FINALLY managed to catch Brandon online. As usual, no hi or anything just the simple oi. Mission accomplished. Hehe... I'm tired. Damn... exam is so soon, but look on the bright side, right after exams would be Rainforest! Yay... I'm sure this is just an excuse for everyone to go up to Damai and stay over. So sad. Sometimes I wonder how many times have we all been to Damai and still be able to not get bored of it. It's the same every trip! Strange... Oh yea... Happy Belated 17th (finally) Birthday to Mikey Fehr Wong Wun Chiang (26th June 2005). Brandon and Cikgu Lily gave him a card reader for his birthday and yeap... its the one he claims in his blog that Cikgu "stole" from him.

Oh yea... Bryan came to school today! Haha... something funny happened today. Before lunch, Brandon was telling me about Bryan. Mich and I said Bryan has always looked very cute and Brandon being Brandon, didn't agree with us and asked if we've seen him recently and we said no. He then snorted and said Bryan is very fat now! Then he told us not to tell Bryan he called him fat (what a meanie). So now I was excited because I couldn't wait to tell Bryan. Hehe... So someone asked what Bryan's father was working as and all Brandon kept saying was he makes roads he makes roads. None of us really understood him. At first someone said Quantity Surveyor, Brandon said no, Engineer, Brandon said no. He kept trying to describe what the job requirement was and to me it sounded like a pekerja buruh so I said labourer. Then Brandon got all excited seeing that now he could blackmail me. So during lunch, I met Bryan at the foyer so I told him Brandon called him fat. Next thing I know, GLiew comes running over and tells Bryan I call his father a labourer :P So I went off for lunch with Mich after that. When i see Bryan again when lunch is about to end, Brandon is gloating and boasting to me that Bryan didn't believe what I said bout him and it all ended with Bryan calling my father a lumberjack. *sigh* It's so fun to have Bryan back. Conclusion, Brandon is a jackass.

I also found out, if I really fail my SPM (touch wood) and not be able to go overseas, I can always end up being a hair consultant (sounds more bunga then barber or hairdresser). Mich actually let me cut her hair this morning. Hehe... so I ended up trying to layer her hair with arts and craft scissors. She claims it hurt. Jelly was having fun watching Mich in pain and me "Woops-ing" whenever something went wrong. For your information, not much went wrong. At the end of the session, the boys thought we were crazy because they didn't actually think that I would dare cut Mich's hair let alone Mich let me cut her hair. We were all pretty satisfied with the result. It was shorter then before and I still managed to keep her layers. Hehe... Cutting people's hair can be such fun... probably because school was shit boring. Oh well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » »