Wednesday 29 June 2005

First Day of Exam

Ah... today was the first day of exams. Skittles overload. Hehe... was eating Skittles the whole time and even sempat share with Steve. Hehe... For the first time, I actually did my essays for Sejarah. LOL.. how cool is that (you might think it's nothing, but go ask around in class and people would actually go 'really??')? Oh well, I know the first essay question was about Perjanjian Hudaibiyah and it's the one I read to Jill and Mich. The Muslim's kenak road block by the Quraisy people halfway on their way to Makkah. Hehe... Next few questions were about some Penyebaran and Bukti rubbish which I completely didn't read. The questions about Malayan Union and Sistem Ahli still allowed me to bullshit a little. Ah well, I'm guessing Cikgu Susanna is going to skin me for my structure questions, or what's lacking from it. Completely blank. I know what went on but I didn't know the names. Oh yea... Malay names are the worst to remember. One chapter has at least 5 or 6 Abu Bakars, Ali Bin Something, Something al-Something or even Uthman bin Something. *sigh* Wonder how anyone can atually remember. Thankful now we only have Kelvin Chai, Calvin Chai, Bryan Bong or Bryant Alburqueque (not including the 4 Michelle Wongs we have in the whole of Lodge). Ah.. Nevermind. Looks like some things just never change at all :)

Oh yea... after our exams, I was helping some of the guys photostate some BM notes, and I realised, the Primary kids in Lodge sure do a lot of apple polishing. Apparently, there's this one kid that comes in the library everyday and volunteers to help put books back into the shelves (I wonder what the school pays librarians for) and another kid who knows how to work the photostating machine better than most of the teachers because apparently he's another regular there. Go figure. Anyway, yea... interesting. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against those kids or the librarian. When I retire, I want to be a librarian in a school like Lodge. I get payed to read newspaper, enjoy aircon, drink coffee, listen to radio, gossip with other teachers and instruct kids to do my job. That's the life. Hehe...

Oh yea oh yea oh yea... I forgot to add in a piece of information in Monday's blog. Anyway, on Monday, during Geography, Brandon forgot to bring his Geography text book. So me being me as usual, got soooo excited and snitched on Brandon. Cikgu Lai was asking everyone to take out their books so I told her Brandon didn't bring his book. So she started to ask Brandon. The guys tried to help him by giving him one of their books to cheat her since she's so blur, but apparently it didn't work. So she was like "Brandon, you didn't bring your book?" and he nodded his head. Guess what she said, "Nevermind Brandon, you're excused". Just like that!!!! Whattt?! When Wafi was sitting at someone elses place, she sent him out. The last time Gkho didn't bring his book she threatened to demerit him. The last time Mich didn't bring her book, she tiu tiu tiu, and now her STAR student didn't bring his book and all she says is "you're excused". CONFIRM YOUR MOTHER LER BRAN!!! Where's the justice??? Hehe... It was funny. Brandon was so malu because we keep saying she's his mother always sayang him and now this. Haha...

RAINFOREST IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS TIME!!! Haha... I'm so excited la. I don't know why either. It isn't suppose to be such big of a deal. I'm so totally addicted to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack now. I don't know why either.

*sigh* Pris is leaving for Penang tomorrow but I won't be able to send her off. If her flight was slightly earlier or later then no problem but unfortunately smack in the middle of BM paper. Oh well... will miss her! Hehe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »